Today is the day. I’m heading north, to the end of the world. Well, I think I’m going north. I want to. Straight up till there’s no more roads, no more land. That was the OG plan.
King O’ The North!
I read about a magical beach somewhere on the west coast. So instead of N along the east coast to the end of the world, I might go NW. But (repetition - edit) if I go NW, I won’t reach the northernmost point in continental UK. That was the all point of the trip. I need guidance.
Waze, what u think?
I don’t think, I compute.
Waze, what u compute?
John O’ Groats (northernmost point…) is 120 miles away. There’s only one road, meaning up and down the same way. Achmelvitch Bay is about the same distance but across the Highlands. Two roads, so you could drive along an ellipse (an eye, really). And boy, that road through the Highland is sick…
Thanks Waze!
I’m torn. Would I spent my life regretting throwing away the whole purpose of this trip just to go to the beach?
Is it a Bad Call? Should I Scourie More? Let me double check with Google Map…
Fuck Google Map. Fuck the plan. Long live the Waze! Plus I booked accommodations for the night @ Hobbitshire. A cabin in the woods.